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Satellite images on your cell phone.


Wants to have satellite images In your cellphone?

Applications that show satellite images allow users to view images detailed in Any place in the world.


That is, from different perspectives and angles.

These apps are extremely Useful for those who wish to explore It is learn more about different parts of the world.


Furthermore, it is a tool great for professionals working with mapping, geography and earth sciences, for example.

Satellite images on your cell phone.

Satellite images on your cell phone.

Google Earth

One of the most apps popular for viewing satellite images is the Google Earth.

The application offers a platform interactive to explore the world.

O Google Earth allows users to view images in 3D in Any place in the world, as well as fly over cities and landmarks around the world.

In addition, Google Earth also offers information about the geography, history and culture of the places visited.

Download here (Android).

Download here (iPhone).

NASA Earth

Another popular app for visualization of satellite images is the NASA Earth Observatory.

It offers images updated is at real time from different parts of the world.

The application allows users to view satellite images of different types of terrain.

Like urban areas, forests and oceans, for example.

In addition, NASA Earth Observatory also provides information on extreme weather events, disasters natural It is environmental changes.

Download here (Android).

Download here (iPhone).


The Planet application, in turn, offers satellite images of high resolution in near real time, covering nearly the entire globe.

with images updated each day the application is used by companies It is governments to monitor critical areas.

Like forests, rivers and seas, for example.

In this way, it becomes possible to detect ongoing environmental changes.


In addition to these applications, there are also others that offer specific resources for certain areas, such as Nearmap.

He specializes in satellite images of high resolutionthat of cities and urban areas around the world.

The app allows users to view updated images.

From places like streets and buildings, for example.

In addition, it signals other urban characteristics, with high quality of detailing.

While these apps are useful for exploring the world and learning more about different parts of the globe, it is important to remember that satellite imagery can also be used for illegal or malicious purposes such as spying or surveillance. Therefore, it is important to use these apps responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

In short, apps that show satellite imagery offer an easy and convenient way to explore and learn about different parts of the world, as well as monitor environmental changes and extreme weather events. While it's important to use them responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations, these apps can be useful for people in different fields, from tourists to scientists and professionals in the field of mapping and geography.
